What Is Fitness?

FITNESS has become the buzzword for many people nowadays, even though the acronym may sound a bit strange. But before delving into the definition of fitness, it would be important to know what it really means. Fitness is defined as a condition of being healthy and well-lived and, more importantly, the capacity to do different parts of ordinary activities, jobs and sports. Common indicators that define fitness are: having strong bones; not getting overweight or obese; maintaining or improving physical health; being committed to the goal of achieving well-being; and having positive social ties.


It is believed by experts that physical activity promotes good health because physically active people tend to have stronger muscles and tend to be healthier than those who are sedentary. And contrary to popular belief, not being active does not necessarily equal poor health. In fact, being too inactive can be just as dangerous as being inactive for too long.

Physical fitness also refers to one’s mental fitness, which means being psychologically fit. Mental fitness has to do with one’s attitude and how he thinks. The definition of being psychologically fit is “personally responsible for one’s own physical and mental health.” Being mentally fit entails being assertive and self-reliant, and having good self-image and acceptance of one’s own self. Mental fitness therefore, refers to a person being psychologically healthy.

Another component of fitness involves endurance. Experts agree that people who are physically fit have high levels of endurance. Hence, physical fitness can be equated to endurance. Endurance involves both the mind and the body and is measured by how long an individual can physically remain awake and moving his/her limbs after resting for a certain period of time.

Proper nutrition and sufficient sleep are additional components of fitness means. A well-balanced diet that includes necessary vitamins and minerals can help maintain the body’s immune system, which in turn helps prevent illnesses and avoid premature aging. Regular exercise, or physical activity at least three times a week is necessary to keep individuals physically active and to reduce stress, which can be a cause of mental stress and fatigue.

One’s daily routines should be carefully planned to include the right amount of physical fitness. Doing physical fitness activities that do not require too much effort, but can be beneficial to the body are important. For instance, doing housework, yard work, cooking, cleaning, and other daily tasks such as taking out the garbage and other regular daily tasks may not be considered as physical fitness activities, yet they are parts of day-to-day activities and should be incorporated in the routine to promote good health. Indeed, good health is one of the key factors to living a productive and satisfying life.