Exercise, Fitness, and Body Composition


Exercise, Fitness, and Body Composition

Fitness is an attitude that identifies how well someone does physically. It is not just the physical aspect of fitness, however. It includes the mental and social aspects as well. Physical fitness, in itself, is a condition of overall health and well being and, more importantly, the capacity to do various parts of regular physical activities. Proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and adequate rest are commonly used as components of fitness.

Staying active is very important when it comes to physical fitness. People who are not staying active are usually suffering from a variety of diseases and illnesses. A lot of these illnesses and diseases are preventable if people simply make sure to stay active and eat properly. Staying active can be difficult for many people who simply cannot commit to regular exercise. This is why there are also a lot of fitness centers and organizations that aim to help people keep active even when they do not have the time to go out and do it themselves.

FITNESS is not just a physical state of being healthy. In fact, it is an attitude or outlook on life that has a great deal to do with your overall health and wellness. Living a fit lifestyle not only keeps you healthy and fit, but it is also an essential element in being happy and successful in life. Being fit is the key to a long and productive life. And, as a fitness and health-related issue, fitness has become quite important over the last few years.

One of the major theories of modern fitness psychology is called ecological fitness. Ecosystem fitness refers to the idea that we are all born with a natural selection (natural selection that is shaped by our survival gene pool) to get us through life. If we do not have that natural selection, then our chances of getting through life are reduced. The theory is that fitness, or the trait that is most essential to our survival in the environment, is determined by the gene pool that we are born into. In this way, we can see how some people might be naturally fit and others might not be.

The biggest problem with the ecological fitness definition of fitness, however, is that many do not see fitness as a natural selection process. Instead, fitness is seen as something that people can achieve regardless of genetic aptitude. This leads to the problem of education about fitness. Many people simply see fitness as something that can be improved through exercise.

Another definition of fitness is associated with body composition. Body composition is the percentage of fat, protein, and water that your body contains. People who have a high body composition (in the range of 20 percent to less than 80 percent), are said to have high fitness potential. Those with lower body compositions are said to have low fitness potential. Those who are in the middle are considered to have an average body composition.